Become a Board Member

Three Board of Director positions come up for election in March of each year. Each position has a three-year term. Qualifications for the Board of Directors are described in Article III of Peninsula Light Company’s Bylaws. Interested candidates must be able to make the required term-of-office commitment and must be willing to devote a considerable amount of time preparing for and attending local, regional and national meetings, events, and training sessions (estimate 25 hours per month).

Peninsula Light Company’s Election Committee will nominate candidates to appear on the ballot from the among:
1. Incumbent Board members who exercise their right to run for reelection
2. Members who submit a completed Application for Director Candidacy and a signed Declaration of Candidacy by the deadline described below
3. Members recruited by the Election Committee to be considered as candidates

Members may also exercise the right to run by filing a valid Petition for Nomination as described in Article III of Peninsula Light Company’s Bylaws. Petition information can be requested by emailing Britni Wickens at

To be considered by the Election Committee, a member must return a completed Application for Director Candidacy and a signed Declaration of Candidacy by December 31. Completed documents may be submitted by either:
1. Email to: Britni Wickens at
2. Mail to: “PenLight Election Committee, Attn: PR Manager,” 13315 Goodnough Drive Northwest, Gig Harbor, WA 98332.


Email Peninsula Light Company.